Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay: Definition, Outline, Thesis and Claims

  • ManagementPaper
  • Mar 20, 2021

It would not be a tough task for you to know how to write an essay, but writing an argumentative essay, also called a persuasive essay, can be a bit more challenging for you. Just placing your opinions would not be enough. At times, even the strongest ones go unheard. Hence you have to place them properly with the correct structure, reasoning and ample evidence to support your statements. This blog will work for you as a guide to make you structure your essay properly in the perfect manner.

What Is an Argumentative Essay?

The type of essays where the student is required to thoroughly investigate a given topic, and at the same time the evidences are collected, generated and evaluated for establishing a position on the research topic concisely are known as the argumentative essays. Through such an essay, an stance is taken on the topic. The main motive of the researcher, here, is to convince the readers about the researcher’s point of view towards the topic and make them support and understand the essay based on the various reasoning and evidence to prove your point.

Mostly, the argumentative essay topics are in relation to the domain of healthcare, science, politics and technology. This kind of essay topics is common for high school and college students. You can know more about this type of essays from the official site of the Management paper. They are very efficient in drafting various kinds of essays.

4 Easy Steps to Make an Outline for Your Argumentative Essay

The structure or essay format for the argumentative essays should be transparent and straight-forward to make it easy to follow for the readers. The objective of this kind of an essay outline should be to clearly outline a point of view, providing proper reasoning and supporting them with authenticated evidence. The given structure is apt for a well-organized argumentative essay:

  1. Essay Introduction: The first paragraph of your essay should be a well-informed one. It must contain the following elements in the given order only:
    • A defining sentence about the topic
    • The background of the given topic, along with evidences
    • The aims and objectives of the essay
    • Lastly, state the hypothesis that will be proven through the essay
  2. Thesis statement: This is a single bold statement stating the claim or the main point of view of your essay. You have to remind the readers of this statement throughout the essay.
  3. Body: Good argumentative examples will have three or more paragraphs in the essay body section that will explain and state the reasons needed to support the thesis statement. A different idea with the proper set of evidence should be covered in each of the paragraphs and must have a heading sentence to define the reader what exactly you will be stating in that paragraph. It is the body of an argumentative essay where all your claims are backed up with statistics, research, examples, in-text citations and various other existing literatures. Also add the contrasting point of view and explain the readers why they are not true or reliable. You can add credibility by the presentation of facts and from a daily perspective, considering the topic. This will help you more to gain the trust of the readers.
  4. Conclusion: This is the last paragraph of your argumentative essay where you have to restate your thesis statements and sum up all that you have mentioned in the previous paragraphs. You must try to make an appeal to the emotions of the readers and do not establish any new fact or argument. You can make use of a personal anecdote to explain the readers how the topic of the essay has personally affected you. You can refer to the examples of essay conclusions.

The expert team of the Management paper can also help you in writing your essay with their brilliant paper writing service keeping in consideration all your requirements and suggestions.

Writing the Thesis Statement In 3 Easy Steps

Though it is just a single sentence, but probably the most important one in the entire essay. It is the essence of your essay. This is mentioned in the introduction of the argumentative essay, claims what the easy will be about and prepares the reader for what is to be coming next.

  • You can turn the essay topic into a relevant question and give an apt answer to it. Within the first few lines of the introduction, raise an interesting question. Then based on this question, frame the thesis statement in such a manner as if it forms the answer to the above question. This is an effective measure to intrigue the readers and make them attached to the rest of the essay.
  • Use contrasting ideas and refute it. Once you are done presenting your own point of view, present some contrasting ideas that will oppose whatever you have stated earlier. Then refute these contrasting ideas with proper reasons and evidence. This is effective for the readers to understand why your facts are true and portrays your credibility.
  • Outlining the mina points in brief. State the main point and explain the back-up ideas to support it. This gives the readers clear ideas about what you are going to discuss in the argumentative essay. It is like a roadmap that keeps you on track and organised.

The Different Kinds of Argument Claims

You have to decide how you are going to present your argument, after you decide what you are arguing and know well your thesis statement.

The various claims you can include in your argumentative essay are:

  • Policy: Explain why the reader should care about the essay and how would it help them after reading it.
  • Cause and effect: describe what has caused the problem to take place and what are its effects or consequences.
  • Value: The value or importance of the argument you are arguing upon.
  • Definition: The technical definition of what you are arguing upon along with your own interpretation of the topic.
  • Fact: Whether the presented statements are correct or incorrect.

The Three Main Types of Arguments

To structure your argumentative essay, there are three main ways:

  • Rogerian: In this, the problem has to be presented, the arguments’s opposing side has to be acknowledged, the point of view has to be stated and lastly, explain to the readers why your one is the most benefitting to them. This is the best for polarizing topics and both the sides are acknowledged by it and the middle ground is presented.
  • Classical: The main argument is presented, your opinion is stated, and the best has to be done by you to convince the readers why your point of view is the best suited for this topic. It is the most effective when the readers are bereft of much information and your outline presents the facts clearly for them to understand.
  • Toulmin: The claim has to be presented, various grounds have to be stated to validate the claim, and these grounds have to be justified with proper evidence. As the claim is supported by evidence, hence the readers are most convinced by your claim.

A student may face multiple problems while writing an argumentative essay. In such a scenario, the academic experts of the Management Paper are always there to help you out, just a click away. They assure to provide you with the best quality of essays and within the given time frame too.

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