Research Paper Introduction Examples

Three Research Paper Introduction Examples: Learn How to Initiate and Hook

  • ManagementPaper
  • Apr 13, 2021

A research paper introduction holds perhaps the most importance for a study to be successful. After a good research paper abstract, it is the introduction that builds the interest in a reader to continue reading the research paper. If the introduction turns out to be dull and drab, then the study would be a failed one.

A good research paper needs a lot of background study, which you often fail to do. To make your work easier, Management Paper is there for you to help you write yours efficiently.

Key Features of a Research Paper Introduction

  • It forms the basic part of both the research paper as well as the research proposal.
  • Apart from giving a general notion about the research paper topic, it includes important elements such as background, aim, objectives, questions and many more.
  • It must contain the questions ‘WHY’: why is the research conducted, why it is important, why this chosen topic and so on is.
  • It helps in pointing out the knowledge gaps and fills them up throughout the paper.
  • Use precise and clear points.

The Most Commonly Included Elements in The Research Papers

There are different kinds of research papers like essays, reports, dissertations and journals. The introduction which is generally used in case of all other types of research paper except dissertations are similar in nature. Such an introduction is similar to a summary of the topic, defining the problem, stating the aims and objectives that are going to be established through the research.

But in case of dissertation, in a good research paper format the introduction is presented in great detail by dividing the section into the following parts:

  • Research background
  • Research problem
  • Research rationale
  • Research aim
  • Research objectives
  • Research hypothesis
  • Research questions

Apart from this, many papers include time plan, scope and limitations of the research too. The experts from the team of Management Paper can help you with your paper writing and also make you understand the various aspects of a research paper.

Some Significant Examples of Research Paper Introduction

Research Paper Introduction Example #1


1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research The leadership quality of the leaders of a company has a direct impact on the work behaviour of the employees that includes creativity, self-efficacy, coping up with stress and motivation of the various employees.The company, Amazon, follows a transformational leadership which involves the powerful vision of a leader or the CEO, like Jeff Bezos, that has resulted in unimaginable success of the company.

The history and the various past events related to the topic are being mentioned in this section. Thsi supplies context to the paper and contains both relevant and important studies. Authenticating your information is a must by in-text citations.

1.2 Research problem The criticism was seriously considered by the company and they have ensured workplace support and safety for the employees. They implemented almost 150 process changes, set up testing stations which would regularly sanitise the workplace and increased the pay of the employees (Yohn, 2020). In the year 2019, the company’s total global headcount exceeded 3/4th of 100000 people which was a benchmark for recruiting the employees in the US. With a total number of employees of 750,000, the 3rd quarter was finished by Amazon, a 22% jump than the previous year and the count rose to 400,000 (Levy, 2019).  

The research problem states a specific area of concern, a bothering question, a difficulty which is to be eliminated or a condition that demands improvement. The missing knowledge about the topic is being found out through this and then only you can do further research about the problem.

1.3 Research rationale Amazon started in the year 1994 as just a book seller and then expanded the various sectors in the company and grew into a huge company with a net revenue of $178 billion in 2017 (Statista, 2020). The company is still expanding with the most recent acquisition with Ring. But this leadership of Amazon has made the company run through major losses through failed acquisitions, failed projects and lost the key employees consequently. Recently Jeff Bezos and Amazon have faced criticism towards their ill-treatment of the employees. It was reported that employees were working in unsafe and unsatisfactory working conditions at the warehouses.

The rationale answers the question of why the research is being conducted and thus states its importance.

1.4 Research Aim The aim of this research is to analyse the impact of the leadership on the employees of Amazon and explore how effective were the measures taken by the leaders to enhance the employee experience. The negative effects of leadership on the employees will also be analysed in this paper.

The things that are expected to be achieved at the end of the research are generally mentioned here.

1.5 Research Objectives To analyse the role of a leader in employee satisfactionTo understand the impact of leadership qualities on the employees of AmazonTo observe whether the qualities of the leader of the company exert unwanted pressure on the employees that resulted in bad working conditions for the employees.

The objectives are the various goals or targets that are to be established and achieved throughout the study.

1.6 Research questions What is the reaction of the employees of Amazon towards the  leadership qualities of its leader?What is the role of a leader in motivating the employees of Amazon?What are the different steps adopted by the leaders to inspire the employees and create a good employee base?  

The research question points out the facts that are to be established through the paper and provides the research with a clear focus and purpose.

1.7 Research hypothesis   Hypothesis1 (H1): The leader of Amazon has become quite an inspiration for the employees of the company and has been motivating the employees based on the leader’s management practices and philosophies.   Hypothesis 2 (H0): At times, the motivating words of the leader of the Company, Amazon, becomes burdensome for the employees and the leader seems to take the employees for granted that resulted in intolerable working conditions of the employees and extreme disappointment on their part.  

This is a specific predictive statement about the possible future outcome of the study which is mostly based upon the relationship between different variables or on a single variable.

Research Paper Introduction Example #2


Introduction The given examination will highlight on the ground that brings down an emphasis on how a successful business experience took care of the progression engaged in innovative advancement concerning the procedure that was to be realized for developing online chat portal as it would be developed at Aldi. The alterations in the development ground allowed critical associations to change according to them. The use of web based systems administration has overhauled the limit in the notice of their association. The introduction of digitalization has bounced out at various organizations as an opportunity to interface with their customers in developing a proper underpinning that articulately presents financial statements and the feedback received from the stakeholders and the customers.

Research Paper Introduction Example #3


INTRODUCTION   Around 7 billion people are currently living on this blue planet. Developments in technology and medicine have led to higher life expectancy rates. This, in turn, has led countries to formulate different plans and policies for the elderly. These policies are formulated based on several parameters. This is so because different countries have different life expectancy rates and problems concerning aged people. In this report, apart from New Zealand, the three other countries, which will be focused on, are Australia, Canada and India. With several pension plans, health policies and government programs, Canada tries to make sure that the elderly are treated well. Policies in Australia and New Zealand are almost similar, both promoting healthcare and pension plans for the aged. These policies also promote better healthcare distribution, especially in rural areas. India, on the other hand, has a population of more than a billion and is not a first world country. A comparison between these policies and its impact on the economy and society could be beneficial to assess the plans and flaws and understand the areas which might require improvements. New Zealand, Australia and Canada have developed countries while India is different from these countries, in the sense, that its population is massive and it is not as developed as the other three. Therefore, a comparison between the policies in these countries may lead to new ideas.   

In both the second and the third example, the introduction is written in a single paragraph. In the first line itself you must introduce the topic. Try to avoid embellishments. Write any remarkable event about the topic then. Explain the problem and the purpose of the research. Try to build a reasonable thesis statement. Then with few lines, insert a smooth transition to make a shift from the introduction to the body.

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