Formal Essay

The Easiest Way to Draft A Formal Essay

  • ManagementPaper
  • Apr 09, 2021

By the term formal essay, not only essays are being taken into consideration but also different kinds of job applications, reports and letters that all are meant for official purposes can be accumulated under the umbrella term of formal essays. These kinds of writing are written in a formal style using a strong vocabulary and a logical organisation of facts. You have to observe the grammatical as well as the punctuation rules. These essays are focussed on factual data, specific in tone and include a template, standard language.

The experts at the academic writing service provider, the Management paper are quite efficient enough at drafting formal essays. They take into consideration each and every requirement of the student as well as that mentioned in the assignment brief by your teacher. They leave no stone unturned to meet and fulfill each of the requirements.

Structure of Formal Essays

Like other essays, these essays generally follow a five paragraph structure. This is not something to ardently stick on to; the number of paragraphs may vary depending on the word count of the entire essay given and the essay topic. The entire essay is broadly divided into three distinct parts- the essay introduction, the essay body and the essay conclusion. Although in a broad the structure of formal essays can be organised in the following manner:

  • Title of the essay- this informs the readers about the name of the essay and what the narrative of the will be based upon. The theme of your essay is reflected through this essay title and thus you have to make it an attractive one that would immediately attract the attention of your readers. The title must be framed in such a manner so as to give the reader an idea about the details that will be discussed in your essays.
  • Introduction of the essay: In these parts of your essays, you will have to present a general idea about the topic of your essay. You have to give your readers an idea about what claims and arguments you will be making or what the questions will be for your essay. An important thing about the essay introduction is that it contains the hook- this is mandatory. The hook is a one or two lines that is responsible for making the reader wonder about the topic and may be a rhetorical question, an anecdote, a quotation, a bold statement or any personal data about your ownself. Something where the readers will pause and think over and this will compel them to read the rest of the essay.
  • The body of the essay: This is the main part of your essay. In this part you will be establishing, analysing and proving all your points. Generally for a shorter essay, the body ranges between two to five paragraphs but for a longer essay it depends on the fact how you will be organising and proving your perspectives clearly in a crisp and concise manner. You have to present an idea, analyse it, and provide examples and evidence to support it. Also in order to prove your own points, you will have to provide your readers with the contrasting ideas as yours and then prove them wrong to make yours look correct and valid.
  • The conclusion of the essay: the final paragraph of you must be quite relevant and in sync with the rest of the essay. You have to make the concluding part of your formal essays equally intriguing for your readers so that it leaves an indelible impression upon your readers. Written in a single paragraph, you have to provide a summary of whatever ideas you have present in your formal essay and link them all back to the introduction. You must tie back all the points and connect them with your thesis statement. You can also provide your readers with the future scope of these kinds of essays and how it would be helpful for your readers.

To know more about the different steps of writing formal essays, you can get in touch with a paper helper from the company of the Management Paper. Their top priorities are quality and meeting the strict deadlines.

Steps for Writing Formal Essays

  1. Choosing a proper essay topic. In the case of an essay topic, you have two options- either you choose it by yourself or look for the topic given by your teacher. In case you have to select your own topic, find something that is really appealing and interesting to you. Although this would be an formal essay and thus you cannot talk of informal subjects here, but yet should try to make it as vivid as possible.
  2. Writing the thesis statement. The thesis statement states the main idea of your essay or the main claim. It must have the ability of answering the question that has been asked in the essay or as per the essay prompt. This statement forms the conclusion of your essay introduction.
  3. Writing the introduction for the essay. In the introduction for the formal essays, you have to give a brief description about what you will be discussing in the body paragraphs. Begin the introduction with a hook- a bold statement, an anecdote or a rhetorical question that will make the readers think about the subject deeply.
  4. Writing the paragraphs for the essay body. Every idea or point of view that you want to present in your essay has to be present in each of the paragraphs. One idea per paragraph- this should be the concept. The reader upon reading the first sentence of each of these must get a clear idea about the idea that would be established in that particular paragraph and is generally called a topic sentence. Also every paragraph must be connected back to the thesis statement and work in tandem to make it sound true in nature.
  5. Writing the conclusion of your essay. Now new information will be included in this section. You must portray to the readers how you have proven the thesis statement to be true. There must be a parity between the essay introduction and the essay conclusion.

Tips and Tricks for Writing Formal Essays

  1. In case of formal essays, the vocabulary too becomes formal in tone. You must not use phrasal verbs and instead make use of proper technical terms to denote various things in the essay.
  2. Formal essays are factual in nature and so you must not use any personal or informal information in them.
  3. Do not use first or second person in case of formal essays. Make it more structured with the use of third person- ‘we’.
  4. Abbreviations must be prohibited. Like the full form for each of the words
  5. Impersonal tone is prevalent in the formal essays and thus replaces the imperative constructions by passive ones.

Few Phrases to Be Used in The Formal Essays

  • To express disagreement: ‘it would seem that…’
  • To contest the statement or point of view: ‘it could be argued that…’
  • Providing an additional argument to support your opinion: ‘this supports the idea that…’
  • To express agreement that is partial in nature: ‘It must be acknowledged that…’
  • Summing up all that you have written previously: ‘In view of all that has been mentioned so far, one may suppose that…’

There are a lot more formal essays and the various aspects of it. The team of the Management Paper can guide students like you and make you learn how to write an essay with ease.

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